If you own an Acorn 130 Stairlift, understanding its fault codes is essential for troubleshooting and resolving any potential issues. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive guide to the Acorn 130 Stairlift fault codes, explaining their meanings and offering step-by-step solutions. By familiarizing yourself with these fault codes, you can effectively address problems and ensure smooth operation of your stairlift.
A1: Normal - No charge. Lift will beep. Explanation: This fault code indicates that your stairlift is not charging. To resolve it, check the mains power, activate the toggle switch, and drive the stairlift to the charge point.
A2: Normal - Lift moving up. Explanation: This fault code indicates that your stairlift is operating normally and moving upward.
A3: Normal - Lift moving down. Explanation: This fault code indicates that your stairlift is operating normally and moving downward.
A4: Normal - Lift moving up (Remote). Explanation: This fault code indicates that your stairlift is operating normally and moving upward using the remote control.
A5: Normal - Lift moving down (Remote). Explanation: This fault code indicates that your stairlift is operating normally and moving downward using the remote control.
A9: Normal - Lift operating the hinge section. Explanation: This fault code indicates that your stairlift is operating normally while moving the hinge section.
C1 - C5: Normal - Battery is charging (C1 being battery low in charge progressively increasing to C5 sustained charge). Explanation: These fault codes represent different stages of the battery charging process, from low charge (C1) to sustained charge (C5). They indicate normal operation during the charging process.
C6: Normal - Battery fully charged. Explanation: This fault code indicates that your stairlift's battery is fully charged. It signifies normal operation after reaching maximum charge.
C7: Fault - Battery fault. Charge voltage too low. Explanation: This fault code indicates a low charge voltage, potentially indicating a battery fault. If the issue persists, contact an engineer for assistance.
C8: Fault - Battery fault. Charge voltage too high. Explanation: This fault code indicates a high charge voltage, potentially indicating a battery fault. If the issue persists, seek assistance from an engineer.
[Include subheadings for the remaining fault codes]
E1: Normal - Safety edge activated (Footrest DOWN).
E2: Normal - Safety edge activated (Footrest UP).
E4: Normal - Safety edge activated (Carriage DOWN).
E5: Normal - Safety edge activated (Carriage UP).
E6: Normal - Seat not in position.
E7: Normal - Battery low.
E9: Normal - Key switch off.
F1: Fault - Relay fault.
F2: Fault - Brake fault.
F3: Fault - Motor overcurrent fault.
F5: Fault - Battery fault. Audible beep.
F6: Fault - Final limit overrun.
F7: Fault - OSG switch.
H1: Normal - Safety grounded to chassis.
H2: Normal - Safety grounded to chassis.
H3: Normal - Hinge communication fault.
H6: Fault - Hinge end position not reached.
Understanding the Acorn 130 Stairlift fault codes empowers you to identify and resolve common issues that may arise during its operation. By referring to this comprehensive guide
My neighbor is elderly and she has a 130 stuck 6/8ths up the outside stairs, its just sitting there empty beeping. Checked on her, she is ok, said her chair broke. It beeps about 100 times then 2 quick beeps, a pause, and starts again. Its Flashing E (or 3) 9 (or 6) I don't know which way to read it. I just need help in fixing the issue.
F6 final limit overun
What is f6,final limited over rin
Had the acorn 130 stair lift relocated and it will not charge and there is no fault code in the display, so cannot figure out this issue,
28.3volts at station but not to batteries. no c codes.
28.3v at station but not at batteries.